Remember that moving company called Starving Students? I always thought that name was a poor choice for a business. Who wants to hire people who are out of their minds with hunger because college is so expensive that they have no money left to buy food?
College Hunks is a different story! A bunch of handsome, beefy young men flexing their sweaty abs as they do your chores? Sign me up!
Two Small Men with Big Hearts is a little creepier and we’ll leave it at that.
When I moved my Belltown Studio into storage I hired one of these type of movers. They were absolutely untrained and I was amazed that my dangerous stock of HUGE mirrors made the move. Alas when I settled them at Ola Wyola's back room a couple got smashed! I'm just glad I didn't get sued and no one bled to death. Oh yeah if anyone needs 4-6'x6' mirrors let me know!!!
I used to live above Starving Students in a warehouse in SODO. They were hard working men, probably more than full-time….talking loud in their walker-talkies waaay too early in the AM. lol