Let's Stop Packaging Our Food In Plastic
Someone donated hundreds of tiny packages of herbs. The dill was no good but I salvaged some of the rosemary. Maybe these products didn’t sell well locally because in Seattle rosemary is growing all over the place - free for the picking. We even have some growing out back in our parking area.
I saved some of the rosemary in an open bag and it might dry out or it might go bad.
Amazon rosemary packaged in clamshell plastic packaging. Yikes! Amazon - don’t get me started on how everything they do is predatory, parasitic and evil. And plastic clamshell packaging - I DESPISE plastic clamshell packaging. We need to eliminate all non-essential plastic from our world and especially from our food systems. You see that news about nanoplastics (!) in bottled water? It’s all bad.
This common plastic packaging is a recycling nightmare
Plastic clamshell inventor Tomas Jake Lunsford patented something that is bad for humanity and for the environment. It made him rich. And as the often mistranslated quotation goes: behind many great fortunes are great crimes.