The Difference Between Shrimp and Prawns
Shrimp and prawns are the same thing and the terms are interchangeable. Wild caught is the way to go - as seen here in this Oregon pink “shrimp” salad and Florida “prawn” scampi.
I still use the term “shrimp” because when I first moved to Seattle and people described “prawns” I didn’t know what the hell they were talking about. I also made the mistake — once — of calling the local giant clam known as a geoduck a “gee-oh-duck” instead of the proper pronunciation of “gooey-duck.” Hey - language is fluid and subjective and regional and all that. If a New Yorker mocks you for pronouncing Houston Street as “Hewston Street” instead of “House-ton Street” tell them to fuck off. Also happened to me, once.
We should all avoid farm-raised shrimp, especially the ones from Southeast Asia, because they are raised in abhorrent conditions and contain harmful additives. And more than likely they are tended to by workers who do not enjoy the same protections as our working class brothers and sisters in the United States.
See also:
Southern Shrimp Alliance: Antibiotics and additives