If you are making dessert and your only options are JELL-O vanilla pudding or JELL-O chocolate pudding which would you choose?
Chocolate sounds appealing. After all, we live in a vanilla-dominated world and it would be refreshing to try chocolate for a change.
Consider that the chocolate pudding is sugar free, especially when the vanilla pudding has 22 grams of sugar. But wait, the chocolate has a whole list of potentially harmful ingredients and dyes. Not so fast - the vanilla does too.
These products are essentially the same. Corporate produced pablum. Unhealthy junk being spoon fed to us by a small group of billionaires who hold us in total contempt.
Oh heaven for fend, you say! The vanilla does not contain cocoa and the chocolate does and cocoa is delicious. And the vanilla does not contain any actual vanilla, which seems like a scam.
Fair enough. I’m not going to make dessert this time around but if I was located in an area where my choice mattered I’d go for the chocolate. Reluctantly and with a guilty conscience.
Vanilla would be far worse, but that bar has been set so low that it couldn’t go any lower.
Ha, ha.