What's All the Fuss About This Corporate Pasta Sauce?
Finally tried Rao’s jarred pasta sauce and I loved it. They cracked the code and discovered the secret that no other sauce seller has been able to figure out for decades - no added sugar! Their marinara contains tomatoes, olive oil, onions, salt, garlic, basil, pepper and oregano. I never understood why Ragu™ and Prego™ and those other supermarket brands made their sauces so sweet.
Rao’s is tasty. Meaty almost. Would work great if you added thinly sliced mushrooms and some fresh basil.
Of course - there’s a catch. There’s always a catch. It’s much more expensive than the other brands.
And … New Jersey based Rao’s recently got bought out by New Jersey based Campbell Soup. Rao’s has been around forever but only recently became trendy. Folks on social media are claiming Campbell’s will change the recipe. “Here comes the high fructose corn syrup.”
Rao’s is best served over pasta with Kraft Parmesan cheese (Heinz Co. - majority owned by Berkshire Hathaway). Which, unlike authentic Parmigiano Reggiano, contains cellulose powder. Harmless plant matter. I love the stuff.