What do you do with a solid 42 pound brick of low quality cheddar cheese?
Just watched Repo Man last week and enjoyed the soundtrack (I have it on cassette) especially Circle Jerks onstage. Fear’s Let’s Have a War still haunts.
And when I wake up in the morning
My mouth's all parched and dry, parched and dry
And I crawl to the refrigerator
And I peek inside
And I feel like somebody drove nails
Into my head and eyes
And I'm hoping and I'm praying
I hope there's one more beer
More beer, more beer
More Beer (1985)
Gover-ment cheese!
that would have been a better headline!
Just watched Repo Man last week and enjoyed the soundtrack (I have it on cassette) especially Circle Jerks onstage. Fear’s Let’s Have a War still haunts.
And when I wake up in the morning
My mouth's all parched and dry, parched and dry
And I crawl to the refrigerator
And I peek inside
And I feel like somebody drove nails
Into my head and eyes
And I'm hoping and I'm praying
I hope there's one more beer
More beer, more beer
More beer, more beer
More beer, more beer
More beer, more beer
More beer, more beer
More beer, more beer
More beer, more beer
More Beer (1985)
Gover-ment cheese!
that would have been a better headline!